Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gardens and Birds and Pets

My husband and I transplanted the rosebushes from the side to the front gardesn. With the Lupine earlier and now the other wildflowers, it looks like a planned event. We laid mulch. Tonuight I weeded during a slight rain. There is something truly satisfying about caring for the garden.

Tomorrow I need to tend to the side vegetable garden. I've got cauliflower coming in well. The broccoli isa bit slow, but I am confident it will come. I id have one wild flower that mustbe related to broccoli take bloom. The leaves and smell are very similar, but it has yellow flowers and a bean-like pod.

The sugar peas are coming along, as are the radish. Still not much sign of the carrots or beans.
The gorde plants are up, but it will be a long time beforee they do anything.
Down below, in the lower garden, I have small pumpkin plants growing leaves.

The wildflowers along the driveway are mazing. Bee balm, foxglove and more....
The mock ornage in the other front bed is blloming and very fragrant.

Oh! The oredpole built a nest in the snowbush again this year. Last year, soemthing got to the nest just after the babies hatched. So far, that has not happened this year. There are three baby birds and mom is taking great care of them.

It looks like a robin started a nest in the weeping cheery, but it is empty. I hadn't noticed it prior to today, so it could be from last year and I foirgot about it, or a new nest. It could also be abandoned from earlier in the year. Graydon pointed it out to me and I have to say I don't normally look in the crock of that tree.

There was a killdeer nest this year, but she only laid one egg and then the nest disappeared. I've seen killdeer flying about, so maybe the egg was taken and she moved on elsewhere. It's the first year we haven't had baby killdeer, however.

My first cat, Buddy is really losing weight. He once weighed a healthy 16-lbns and is now down to 8. He eats and his blood tests were all normal, so the vet thinks it might be cancer. As he is otherwise healthy and happy, I am going to let nature takes its course. I can't afford to have him treated for cancer and dont want to make his life miserable when he still gets enjoyment from it.

The rest of the cats are fine. Three toojk a nap with me this afternoon and fairly regularly sleep with us at night. One big happy family!

The dog is still a hyper puppy. She really needs agility training and more regular exercise. Now that I am off work, she'll at least get regular walks.

I am still taking classes toward getting my EdD. They are fairly enjoyable.

Feel free to check out my facebook page. I am Dorothy Pope.