Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For Uncle Russ

He fought fires figurative and real
The latter a source of pride
For many uears he helped others
Good friends by his side
His last call is a journey
He does not make alone
Those who went before him
Will guide Russ to His Home
Do not grieve because he's parted
Celebrate his life
It was a long and good one
With more happines than strife
Almost to the end
He did what he loved to do
A husband, brother, father, grandfather, friend, a firefighter
A hero tried and true
Now the Final Alarm has sounded
He has been called Away
Not to danger this time
For he is in Heaven on this day
You've lived a good life
If after you have gone
People celebrate your live
With happiness and song

You've lived a live worth emulating
When after your time is done
Your memory is a legacy
You loved ones strive to carry on

You've lived a life worth celebrating
When those who hold you dear
Mark your life, not your passing
With laughter as well as tears

You've live a live worthwhile
If those who were your friends
Celebrate and cherish you
And remember that death is not the end


Why is it that some will say it's not fair to fire a college coach when the team doesn't win--because who would want to stake their career on what 18-22 year olds will do, but it's ok for a teacher to stake theor lives on what 5-18 year olds will do?